Events & Activities

Events of Shining Stars Preschool

Graduation Day

I am a little graduate. Aren't you proud of me! I know my numbers and my ABC's, I made lots of friends and had fun too. I am a little star shining bright growing bigger every night.

Events of Shining Stars Preschool

Sand Play

Sensory play with sand encourages the child to explore their sense of touch and play, and discover the wonderful texture of sand. Because the less a toy does, the more a child can learn. Our sand play activities are guided towards more imaginative play, development of fine motor skills, eye and hand collaboration, and guided learning for giving children their creative wing!

Events of Shining Stars Preschool

Drawing and Painting

Using art as a vehicle for the expression of children’s thoughts, feelings, and interests – our drawing and painting activities act as a communication tool. Drawing, sketching, oil pastel & watercolors, canvas painting, knife painting, hand painting, leaf painting, finger painting, etc are some activities conducted to help children speak through art and also get better at other subjects like reading, visual thinking, social development, writing, etc.

Events of Shining Stars Preschool

Dance Classes

Dancing is a fun way for children to exercise, improve physical confidence, release creativity, and general psychological wellbeing. It is a creative outlet to learn more about tuning in to music, coordinating movements, improving flexibility and spatial awareness. Our dance classes are kids-centric making their social development a fun activity.

Events of Shining Stars Preschool


Kids are born naturally creative and inquisitive. Give your child the freedom to express their creativity and ability to make something with their own hands. While shaping the clay, kids learn to think about their actions – is the clay too thick? How to make it taller? What if I add a small tail to it? Pottery classes hone precise motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and strengthen their ability to understand the consequences of their actions.

Events of Shining Stars Preschool

Yoga and Meditation

Incessant lessons, video games, pressure to excel, etc of the competitive world often leave our kids stressed. With guided yoga and meditation practice, we aim to promote self-health, relaxation, and inner fulfillment in our children to help them navigate life’s challenges with greater ease. Yoga and Meditation take care of their physical, mental, and emotional development.

Events of Shining Stars Preschool


As a stepping stone to spark curiosity and generative innovation, Abacus gives a hands-on introductory experience to the children to start learning math. Young minds discover, explore and develop basic numeracy skills whilst learning number aptitude, logical understanding, analytical skills, and mental drills. Our number play with Abacus activities like beads counting, pattern creating, colour recognition, simple arithmetics, etc enrich children’s introduction to the numbers.

Events of Shining Stars Preschool

Reading and Writing

Language serves as the medium for children to connect, express, and know more about the world! Reading and writing activities enhance a child’s vocabulary, the power to adapt to different languages and understand what’s going on around the world and in everyday life. With our dedicated reading and writing curriculum, we give our children a head start to prepare them for school later down the line.

Events of Shining Stars Preschool

Water Play

Water is one of the easiest sensory play activities for kids. The cause and effect relationship of water makes it a great tool for kids to learn fine motor skills and body movements. Water acts as a therapy for the kids as they play and pour water on each other. Unleashing the beauty of water play in a variety of open-ended activities, we ensure that kids explore the power of water, understand its importance, learn new skills, and have fun at the same time.

Events of Shining Stars Preschool


Chess is timeless! Chess engages the brain, forces one to think of new moves, and makes the kids smarter. The game also teaches life skills like patience, taking accountability for one’s actions, thinking from others perspectives, and sportsmanship. At Shining Stars, we impart quality knowledge of playing chess with a Certified Instructor from Chanakya Institute, who teaches kids the basics of the game, the rules and trains them for better play.

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